Monday, April 28, 2014

Video: Chinese surgeons re-assemble the hand cut into 13 parts

Ten doctors in the hospital, "the city of Suzhou," in eastern Jiangsu province, China, to compile the hands of a woman in the 21-year-old made ​​an injury at work last Monday April 21 / April to the "13" part.
Show x-ray that all five fingers of the right hand cut off as well as on the chopping each into two or three parts, has pulled Slicer cotton hand working Vqtatha into parts, and stopped associate infected machine and brought her colleague to the hospital where doctors were forced to deliver "100" and a blood vessel on the at least parts of the fingers and connect with each other, and the doctors say that women will be able to, at best, holding a spoon and take care of herself.


(XD) Images gathered between parents and their children in the sub-wondrous them and imitate significantly (:D)

We offer you today on this subject on the amazing facts images gathered between parents and their children in the sub-wondrous them and imitate significantly.

Friday, April 25, 2014

See .. U.S. hunts largest shark in the world

Enables a man from the U.S. state of Florida to break the world record after being baited shark has a length of 3.4 meters and weighs 365 kilograms.

The " Joey Polk ," 29 -year-old ; had been " wrestling " on Monday night with the last of these fish for long hours , and use more than 800 meters from the fishing ropes to be able to finally get caught , according to the newspaper "Daily Mail" British .

He said Polk ; " We have tried to revive the fish and return them back to the water , but it was very tiring , so you can not swim ."

After a failed attempt to revive the fish decided to hunt down precious Polk celebration , and established a barbecue called for 200 of his friends to enjoy the taste of " this monster , which has long appalled humans ," according to the newspaper.

U.S. judge loses his temper during a court hearing !!!

U.S. judge wished the death in prison of a woman accused of killing a man after charging 12 stab him with a kitchen knife. The judge said during the trial: "I am the only one who knew the type of knife that summits use in crime that filet knife and I use it when I want to catch." The judge added, "may have been a stab one enough to Nbarotk because of self-defense, but you and me have 11 stab extra to make sure that Matt and I agree Family opinion and I hope that Tamota in prison if such State applies the death penalty for the destiny of death."

27 million watch the train driver kicks the face of the young man !!!!

Canadian activist signed Jared Frank published a video showing a train driver receives a kick to the face, he signed a contract with the company "Jukin Media" authorized to obtain a sum of money for every view of the famous video.

And harvesting of the section that was lifted ten days ago (April 15) on YouTube more than 27 million views.

In spite of that video still attracts viewers, which means that the profits that would accrue young Canadian on the rise continuously, but told reporters that Americans have concluded that Frank would reap $ 250 thousand.

For his part, Jared Frank strong emotions in the same spin , pointing out that he is confident of "Jukin Media", and that he was surprised to fame achieved by extensive .
He also said he intends to use the amount you will get it to cover the costs of studying at a Canadian Institutes of output , to spend part of the money to realize his dream of a trip to Peru .
There may come a day that begins with the media in the definition Balsinmaúa Jared Frank in this video , where he played the title role absolute .
But there are activists of the opinion that the real hero of this " film " is the leader of the train the unknown , which has been behind the scenes , with the exception of his foot, which won Video young Canadian thanks to which millions of views , and achieved the same financial profits .. Will raise the curtain once for " Hero " , for demanding his share of the " ticket revenue " ?


Video and images woman pulls a man like a dog chain and the reason is very strange!!

Set of pictures posted on the site «Twitter» a woman pulls a series of men on a street in London, sparked considerable debate on Twitter about the reason why a man and a woman to do this work odd.
According «Daily Mail», subtract activists «Twitter» multiple interpretations of the strange incident, that the incident might be a scene in an ad or that the man lost a bet with that lady.
For its part, appealed to the newspaper, through its website, readers Arusseloha any information that could explain this incident or the man to lead the Lady who appear in the picture.

The oldest living man in the world 179 years old!!!!

Deliberated news websites that Indian Mahachta Marasi-old 179-year-old entered the Guinness Book of Records as the "oldest man alive."

In a statement to the site "will survive," said the French-speaking Marasi "I'm alive for a long time, to the point that my grandchildren have died many years ago, and did not stock and any hopes of me."
Chives Mahachta Marasi born in January 1835 in Bangalore, and registered in the identity papers that he lived in Varanasi, which lies on the banks of the River Ganges in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh until 1903, as reported by news agencies, as documents indicate that the work of a cobbler in the city until 1957, and retired from his job when he was 122 years old, according to the site, which was published the news.

The site that the man's birth certificate and identity card confirming his novel, but there is no medical examination confirms this